Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

What does it mean to be an Entrepreneur?
What do you think about Unleashing The Entrepreneur In You? In my marketing struggles, I have been figuring out ‘who’ I am talking to.

Regulating Stress and Sitting on the Edge of the Unknown
Regulating Stress and Sitting on the Edge of the Unknown Is a practice and skill I have been working on for many years. I have made many choices in my life for freedom instead of safety.

Doggie Gut Health Story
Today I have an inspiring doggie gut health story; a client of mine shared an update about how her dog’s health has improved, maybe even saved their life, after she changed their diet from processed dog food to whole food.

Are Eggs And Dairy Gut Healthy?
Sitting in front of my friend’s chicken coop, I answer a topic request and share my gut health take on dairy and eggs. My answer is multi-layered because it depends on a person’s state of gut health, their genetics, as well as the animal’s state of health. Tune in to hear how I make my personal family’s choices as well as how I guide my clients in their dairy relationships.

Managing Stress and Choosing Clean Food For Human Potential
My clients sometimes come in desperation looking to solve their physical symptoms and they also come wanting to increase productivity, presence, and success.

Exponential Change with Coaching + Medicine Journeys
As I built my six-month coaching program, I always envisioned medicine journeys as part of the exponential change factor. Change is possible when we show up and do the inner work. AND when we use plant medicine in combination with inner work, the intellectual teaching drops into our cellular body and our being.

How To Move Through A State of Anxiety
Anxiety has been up in conversation for me with a few dear people in my life, and hence why this topic “how to move through a state of anxiety.”

My Coaching Program Details + Inspo Kid Story
Many people assume food and mood changes require willpower and deprivation; my program is based on deepening our relationship to our self and leave of presence. If you are curious about my coaching program come listen in to learn what it’s all about and how it works.

Change Does Not Have To Be Hard- It Could Be Simple And Fun Instead
What I want to propose to you here, right now… is that change does not have to be hard and it could even be simple and fun.

Lymph Self-Massage for Health, Detox, and Weight Loss
Taking care of our lymph systems and tissues is an essential part of health. Without a supported lymph system, health changes and detoxing can be rough. So here we go: Lymph Self Massage for Health, Detox, and Weight Loss.

Come Make a Salad with Me
It is over one hundred degrees and it is summer time which makes it a healthy time of year to up our salad intake. So… come make a salad with me.

Tesla Delivery | Creating Useful Positive Emotions
We have the ability to generate useful positive emotions like fully wanting and at the same time fully unattached- which is what I created for getting our Tesla earlier than later.