Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

Fasting Can Be Fun And Easy
Fasting has become something that I genuinely love doing either when I want to heal or when I want my brain to be in super-efficient mode.

Personal Insights Of The Food Challenge
I have some valuable nuggets, for your gut health journey, from my personal insights into the food challenge we completed.

Just Stop Quitting- How To
Success is just one decision away. One crucial, game, changing, decision way… which is to decide to Just Stop Quitting.

The Problem Of Over-Desire
The reason that we habitually put the things in our mouth that harm our gut is because of over-desire. … wait!I won’t touch your True Desire.

Do You Need A Coach?
I want to share with you what I now understand about who needs a coach and who does not need a coach. Having a coach is like having a GPS.

Microbiome For Babies And Kids
My LO is an emotional and physical rockstar; I attribute her advanced development to her gut health and nurtured kid microbiome.

Gut Health For Parents
My little one is a rockstar. In this episode, Gut Health for Parents, I share my gut health background mindset and how I apply it to my LO.

“Man-Made Calories And Processed Foods”
‘Liberate woman from the kitchen’ was a processed foods marketing concept in the 50s. At the time, it seemed like a freeing idea.

The Gut ReSet Challenge Details
In today’s post, I am disclosing the Gut ReSet Challenge Details and encouraging you to give yourself the gift of a gut reset, by doing…

The Gut Health ReSet Challenge
A simple challenge I took, that changed my health, I’m offering to You. I’m challenging you to a gut health reset for 14 days. Are You In?

The Importance Of Fermented Foods
Daily intake of fermented foods (like kraut, pickles, or kombucha) is an incredible way to ensure gut health by feeding the good guys.

Coffee Enemas And Liver Support
If you are a friend or client of mine, then we have likely talked about coffee enemas and liver support. I love coffee enemas. They are…