


Food and Mood Coaching for Body and Soul

Your Food and Mood

Personal Coaching

I am on “the path” and know that if I figure out the food piece A LOT of my life will fall into place

Why You Are Here:


  • Upgrade your cravings… Crave Healthy = Guaranteed


  • Get to the root cause, your brains thoughts and beliefs. Gain tools not rules. 
Soul Icon


  • Start relieving stress, anxiety, depression= get your energy back.


  • Uplevel your relationship to yourself. Tune into your wisdom.
Chandra Zas and daughter making a salad


My clients say that I am gentle, kind, and friendly- inviting them to continuously be curious and compassionate in their journey. 


That said, I will for sure ask you if I can push you, when I get a whiff of showing up small. 

Made with Love

Many people “try” to make food changes using low vibe unsustainable energies like restriction, willpower, or deprivation.

Cue tension.

Cue rebellion.

Cue self-sabotage. 

Once you get your brain un-hijacked from man-made calories, which I promise you is simpler and easier than it sounds, THEN you will be able to listen to your body’s cravings (and your cravings will be for nourishing foods.)

It works every time.

It is reported to seem miraculous.


Time and Energy

If you think you don’t have the time and energy to get nourishing foods in your body… then you need it even more. 


Eating nourishing foods will give you more time and energy in your day. Period. 


Convenient foods create low vibes and EAT our time and energy.

My Approach

My clients say that I am gentle, kind, and friendly- inviting them to continuously be curious and compassionate in their journey. 


That said, I will for sure ask you if I can push you, when I get a whiff of showing up small. 

Made with Love

Many people “try” to make food changes using low vibe unsustainable energies like restriction, willpower, or deprivation.

Cue tension.

Cue rebellion.

Cue self-sabotage. 

Once you get your brain un-hijacked from man-made calories, which I promise you is simpler and easier than it sounds, THEN you will be able to listen to your body’s cravings (and your cravings will be for nourishing foods.)

It works every time.

It is reported to seem miraculous.


Time and Energy

If you think you don’t have the time and energy to get nourishing foods in your body… then you need it even more. 


Eating nourishing foods will give you more time and energy in your day. Period. 


Convenient foods create low vibes and EAT our time and energy.

Chandra Zas and daughter making a salad

My Approach

My clients say that I am gentle, kind, and friendly- inviting them to continuously be curious and compassionate in their journey. 


That said, I will for sure ask you if I can push you, when I get a whiff of showing up small. 

Made with Love

Many people “try” to make food changes using low vibe unsustainable energies like restriction, willpower, or deprivation.

Cue tension.

Cue rebellion.

Cue self-sabotage. 

Once you get your brain un-hijacked from man-made calories, which I promise you is simpler and easier than it sounds, THEN you will be able to listen to your body’s cravings (and your cravings will be for nourishing foods.)

It works every time.

It is reported to seem miraculous.


Time and Energy

If you think you don’t have the time and energy to get nourishing foods in your body… then you need it even more. 


Eating nourishing foods will give you more time and energy in your day. Period. 


Convenient foods create low vibes and EAT our time and energy.

Chandra Zas and daughter making a salad

“I am now obsessed with performance through self-care and cut out most processed foods and almost all sugar (outside of some fruits/veggies).


I have never felt happier/smarter. I am sleeping super deep (comparatively), and my health issues are nearly gone (4 months in/excited for the next 2) – even though I am only 30, I was running my body into the ground.


I am probably doing 2x the amount of work (productivity not activity)/have clear boundaries from the clarity to drive that performance. Less coffee etc. The work is more fun.”

Un-hijack your brain from addictive foods

and then

Crave nourishing foods that create great moods

Your Transformation Process:

  • Mood Before Food
    One of the biggest reasons food changes are so hard and backfire is due to not addressing underlying default mood states like stress and overwhelm. Get your body out of a state of physiological stress and create space for food shifts that stick from a place of curiosity and true desire. Develop the ability to effectively respond to your brain’s thoughts and generate useful emotions.

  • De and Re- Normalize FOOD
    Many people believe that conveniently packaged calories labeled ‘healthy’ are real food, but this is simply a marketing tactic. Crave foods that give you sustainable energy and identify the connections between different foods and their impact on your energy levels. Recalibrate taste buds, transform microbiome cravings, and develop new belief patterns around food.

  • Cellular Knowing
    Gain insights and embodiment with Integration Support. Enter into an intentional container for directed and desired shifts to drop your intellectual learning into your cellular being and way of showing up. Access your higher self for deep thinking on your business and your life; and drop into a patient, playful, presence in the evenings and weekends.

Personal Coaching

What you Get:

  • 50 minute one-on-one zoom coaching session with me every week (16 sessions in total). 

  • Access to me in-between sessions via sms for check-ins, label reading help, and voice messaging for when you are stuck and want help.

  • Access to my app with LNT Lessons and Theory where I teach about the concepts we coach on- this is optional not mandatory.
  • Journals to build awareness and share data with me between sessions.
  • Payment plans are available and I do have a friends and family rate as well as scholarships. I want money to be a vehicle not a road block for you. 

  • This is the all in, I want to change my life,  feel good and alive in my body and brain route where you get to work one-on-one with me every week.

Create Internal Space: The Importance of and How to

Strategy and Tools
(not rules)

Ultimately I tailor our coaching for where you come in and how fast (or slow) you want to move through my food and mood program largely based on what I learn about you in your "Cravings Assessment + Food Relationship” call.

The following list is just a few of the many foundational concepts and tools I will offer you.

+Understand and shift states of anxiety, depression, and stress through mood and food tools

+ Gain awareness on your brains unconscious and limiting beliefs + tools to shift them

+ Learn where emotions come from and how to be in a healthy (non- sabotaging) relationship with them

+ How to identify and shift stuck emotions to get you moving forward

+ How to use your brain to find solutions

+ Food re-education: understand man made calories vs real whole food and how they create your symptoms

+ How to delay gratification, allow urges, and change dopamine patterns in your brain

+30 day food reset to feel the difference in your body

+How to improve your relationships and lower drama

+ How to prioritize and constrain for time stressors

If this sounds like exactly what you've been looking for, here's your next step. >>>Cravings Assessment + Food Relationship Call with Chandra<<<

Fall in-Love with Healthy You

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Short answer is no. I give “tools not rules” for you decide how you want to feel and then to connect the dots of what foods create the state of health you desire. I do have a food re-education section that teaches the difference between nourishing food and man-made calories. 

I do not. I believe there is a time and place for different ways of nurturing our bodies. I help you listen to your own body and choose. I have personal experience in keto, vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, paleo, raw, intermittent fasting, detoxing, and cleansing. Each has their own value and each body has its own needs at certain times. My main focus is whole foods rather than ultra processed foods. Good fats and regenerative proteins are essential. 

Absolutely not. You do not HAVE to do anything. Through my program you will learn about how to listen to your body and what foods make your cells sing with health. I will also help you upgrade the ingredients in your favorite foods so that they nourish you. 

I work with grandparents who are wanting their health back and role model healthy for their grandkids.

I work with CEO’s and business owners who want a more focused and productive mind.

I work with health conscious humans who are already on the path, have tried many things, and looking for the tools to put their health puzzle together. 

In our evolution, we humans are wired to eat together; breaking this feels wrong. Through coaching with me, you will gain the internal management skills to either: first participate in the foods and drinks at a social event without beating yourself up. Or second, be able to show up, connect, and enjoy regardless of participating in food and drinks.

There is not a wrong or right way- you will gain tools to choose consciously and have your own back about your choice. “Never say never” is an important motto I teach in my program and live by.

I encourage you to tap into your gut and heart and ask if you WANT to invest your time and attention into your wellbeing. This is all you need to move forward, a decision that you are ready and want it now.

Circumstances will always happen that have the option of creating chaos; the beginning module Mood of my program focuses on managing stress, lowering anxiety, and knowing how to undo depression by learning how to manage your mind and emotions internally instead of using harmful coping mechanisms like comfort foods, scrolling, drinking, and the like.

The coaching work I offer applies to all areas of life; we coach on whatever is causing you stress: relationships, parenting, work, running a business, finding your purpose, health struggles… truly anything and everything.

My clients come for food changes and stay for multiple transformations by using my coaching tool called the “Internal Human Algorithm of Change.”

I am one of Chandra’s biggest fans. I started by devouring her website content when Chandra hired me to help her with the backend of her website.


Before I met Chandra, I was interested in investing in my health but felt regularly confused about what was actually healthy. I have struggled with anxiety on-going in my life and also was seeing people in my life diagnosed with disease and really wanted to find a route into truly taking care of my health: physical, mental, and emotional.


I often end my weekly coaching sessions with Chandra by saying, “You are the best” because Chandra truly has helped me in what she calls “Own Body Expert.”


I am using the tools she teaches for how to deal with my anxiety and overwhelm; learning how to listen to my heart and gut in combo with talking back to my brain has literally changed my life.  I am currently in the food module where she delivers what she promises… re-educating on nourishing food and doing it with Love!


Cravings Assessment + Food Relationship

Feeling better by eating better is easier than you might think...

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What Clients Are Saying...

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