Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

Doing Hard Things
Doing hard things is a skill. It requires learning how to choose feelings that drive you in spite of feeling discomfort. No matter what…

How to Make Life Bigger
When we turn away from negative emotions we get smaller. When we are brave and face the hard parts of life then life gets bigger.

The Problem of Emotional Eating
Just because emotional eating is normal does not mean that it is serving you. The problem of emotional eating is bigger than you’d think…

Emotions: Useful Vs Indulgent
Let’s dive into the difference between useful vs indulgent emotions. Learning the difference is very important for internal management.

Emotions: To Feel or Not to Feel
When I understood the difference of useful emotions vs indulgent emotions my personal agency was seriously up-leveled. Do you know how…

Emotions: The Origin
The mind is the origin of emotion. When my clients begin to understand that they can manage their stress by managing their minds then…

My Life Mission: To Age Gracefully
In my mission to age gracefully, I have found a path of inner listening, curious exploration, and an increase in my quality of life.

My IF Shift
The way I eat may not be for you… or it may be a place you are headed. My IF shift is one option to heal your digestion…

How to Habit-Shift in the Brain
I needed this extra point (in the form of a thought) to get me feeling motivated and committed for my newest habit shift…

Who Controls Your Thoughts?
Learning how to look at your thoughts is necessary for your next evolution and is essential to gaining control of your thoughts.

Coffee Enema For Food-Induced Brain Fog
I love me a coffee enema; especially when it comes to a food-induced brain fog. They are my go-to and my quickest route to feeling better.

Gut Brain Care
Over the years I have done my fair share of self-experimentation and thus first-hand know the importance of gut-brain care.