Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

Are We Ever Really Ready for a Change?
It is easy to talk about wanting to change, even promising change, but to make a change is actually quite hard. Are We Ever Really Ready for a Change?

Who Wants Inner Peace? | New Year, New You
It is that time of year to pause and to talk about those life changes nagging at our souls. I want to know, who out there… who wants inner peace? Who wants to start a new year and work towards a new you?

How To Avoid Food-Induced Kid Holiday Meltdowns?
Alright my fellow parents, are you wondering if it’s possible, and if so, how to avoid food-induced kid holiday meltdowns? Or have you already thrown your hands in the air and are simply expecting them?

Invest In Yourself | The Best Gift For You And Others
We givers are the last to give to ourselves, which leaves our cup empty to continue giving. If you are a giver then I am talking to you, “Invest in Yourself” it is the best gift for you and others.

The Most Expensive and Valuable Gift is Presence
The most expensive and valuable gift is presence. How would this holiday (or your daily life) change if you invested more presence in your self and those you love?

Why is Bone Broth Gut Friendly?
Bone broth will soothe your tummy and digestive track. Today, I share why bone broth is gut friendly and I offer you recipes.

Do Holiday Foods Actually Connect Us?
The holidays are upon us and the normal is to indulge. As a food and mood coach I am raising and exploring the question, “Do holidays foods actually connect us?”

Our Food Back-History
As I have started documenting our family gut friendly recipes, I feel compelled to share our food back-hidstory.

Make A Gut Friendly Salad Taste Good
The secret of how to make any salad taste good is all in the toppings. Understanding how our digestion and body experience ’taste’, then dressing salads accordingly…

Break-Fast with Brain-Foods
I practice and teach to break-fast with brain-foods. Because what we put in our mouth, goes into our gut, and directly affects our brain.

Patient Parent Mindset
All internal change starts with a NEW thought and if practiced becomes a new mindset, the same thing for a Patient Parent Mindset.

Self-Care Vs Escaping Reality
In every person’s gut health journey there is a crucial stepping stone of evaluating the choice to invest in self-care vs escaping reality.