Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

Why and How I Have Gained Five Pounds?!
In the last couple weeks I have totally gained five or so pounds and I want to share with you what my brain thinks about it and why (especially those of you wanting to figure out your weight). Lets dive into: Why and How I have Gained five pounds and how I will go back to my ideal weight.

The Importance of Exercise and My Resistance to It
Eating nourishing food is number one in my book AND exercising is just as important…. The Importance of Exercise and My Resistance.

Lessons from My Father and His Love of Views
My father is on my mind for a couple of reasons right now; one is that he passed on Feb 8th, nine years ago. Second because of his love of…

Choosing to Trust Life and My Tesla
We have the beta FSD, full self-driving, and we noticed that many Tesla drivers seem to not be using the FSD. The truth is that trusting the FSD is not necessarily an easy choice, but it is a choice. As I watch myself learn how to trust my Tesla FSD, I have been thinking of the parallels of trusting life.

The Costs of Being Judgemental
The concepts of ‘right or wrong’ are the telling words that we are being judgmental… and it is costing us.

The Point of Meditation
The point of meditation is not to gain, fix nor acquire.The motivation to sit in meditation is not to escape, hide nor avoid.

Emotions Matter: Revisiting Foundational Topics
Emotions are how you experience the world. Emotions are our inner reality. Our feelings about our life… our emotions matter.

Food Matters: Revisiting Foundational Topics
The baseline of gut health is food. No matter how you slice it, what you put in your mouth matters most; Food Matters.

Fall in Love with Healthy You | Free Course New Years New You
Drop the “have tos and should” be “healthier”; instead Fall in Love with Healthy You – Free Course New Years New You. Generate love for your…

Love is the Sustainable Way to Change
Love is always an option and when we consciously choose- it is the choice we love most. Love is the sustainable way to change

You asked: What is my take on Kid Snacks?
A number of peeps have been reaching out to me asking about my take on kid snacks. You asked: What is my take on Kid Snacks?

Hard Moments and Hard Behaviors. Embrace It?
Whichever the hard… the first step is getting out of resistance and into acceptance. Hard Moments and Hard Behaviors. Embrace It?