Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

Fridge Stress and Overwhelm: Friend Story
“You have a gift,” “I love your unique flexibility,” “I’m still surprised you recommended I eat out for a week or two,” These are the words my friend said to me after I offered her some friend coaching on the stress and overwhelm she was struggling with the food in her fridge.

Client Testimonial Health Shame: Before Story
My clients love to sing my praises… but not share their before stories in their testimonials… is it health shame?

Glyphosate: RoundUp: Gut Health and My Local Park
Round up, containing glyphosate is being used in the park outside my house… I’m working to make it a “pesticide free park.”

My First Aid Kid for My Kid: Doc Sharmen’s Recommendations (mostly)
My kid is traveling away from me and this is the first aid kit I am sending with my mother-in-law. Doctor Sharman helped me compile this over the last 5 years. It is supportive and re-balancing instead of symptom repressive; it is gut friendly and it works.

Why Are We Rushing Around? And How Can We Stop?
Why are we rushing around, what are the costs, and how can we stop? Rushing around is a tell tell sign of stress.… one worth questioning.

The Tools I Use to Take Care of My Body: Hyperice, Roller, Lacrosse Balls
I used to be a massage junky, then I lived out of suitcases and figure out which tools I could use to take care of my body while traveling….

The Most Efficient Workout I Have Found: Insanity
Today, I want to dive deeper into the topic of working out and share with you the most efficient workout I’ve come across… Insanity.

Homemade Soap, Skin Story, and Gut Health Interview with Gaia
Today I have a treat for you; it is Gaia’s homemade soap, skin story, and gut health interview with Gaia. We talk about the connections between skin health, food, emotions, and homemade soap. Come hang with us and understand the importance of knowing what is in your soap and how to make your skin glow from the inside out.

Home Made Mayo – Updated and Perfected Mayo Recipe
Every time our home made mayo is on the table with our friends, this recipe is requested. Its updated and better than ever!

The Power of Mindful Skincare: Exploring Gaia’s Natural Soaps
Gaia and I will dive into her and her new soap business. For now I want to touch on the power of mindful skincare.

IEMS: My New Process for Managing Emotions
(IEMS). It is a process I teach my clients, based on developing an intentional relationship with our emotions.

The Power of Fun and Play in Learning
Last weekend, I took my five-year-old daughter up the mountain for her first chair lift ride. It was a huge success, considering that just a month prior, she had been reluctant to go snowboarding at all.