Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

How To Grow Up Into Emotional Adulthood
A real-life example of how to grow up into (and be in) emotional adulthood. “I’m getting kinda bored of you,” my man said to me. Instead of reacting, I took responsibility for my ‘hurt’ feelings.

The WORST Things About A Shitty Gut
Let’s start conversation about ‘the worst things about a shitty gut’; it might help you to take action.

My 3 Foundational Gut Health Books
Body Ecology Diet, Nourishing Traditions, and GAPS are my 3 foundational Gut Health Books that I recommend all the time to people who have gut problems and want to improve their gut health.

When I Talk To The Universe…
Un-attachment to the outcome plus feeling my true want is how I talk to the universe. It is an excellent aim of inner-work that leads to great things, like gut health.

Elite Gut Health
A friend of mine called us food snobs because we prioritize the quality of ingredients; we eat like elite gut health heroes.

Gut Health’s Connection To Immune Health
I see a pattern; many of us don’t connect that what we put in our mouth is going to our gut and affecting our immune system.

Fear’s Effects On Gut Health
My life mission, is to help people improve their relationship to food and therefore improve both their gut health and immune health; managing fear’s effects on gut health is part of the process.

Having A Healthy Gut Creates Time
Today, I dive into how after the initial investment of Time, your time and energy increase once your gut health is in order and your habits have shifted.

The Gut Friendly UTI Option
Antibiotics are great when they are necessary; there is a great Gut Friendly UTI option before it gets to the point of antibiotics.

Are Nuts Gut Healthy?
When talking about which foods are beneficial or harmful to the gut, I often get asked what my thoughts are on nuts and gut health.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Gut Health
One of the greatest assets of Apple cider vinegar is the benefits of digestion.

Overeating Negatively Effects Gut Health
Everyone knows that overeating leads to becoming overweight; in addition, overeating negatively effects gut health.