my name is Chandra.
I am: mother, partner, coach, mentor, author, burner, climber, yogini, human, friend.
my name is Chandra.
I am: mother, partner, coach, mentor, author, burner, climber, yogini, human, friend.
What is Useful for You to Know About Me
I may look pretty darn healthy. But it didn’t come natural to me. I had to learn how support my body for it to re-gain a state of health.
You can radically change your state of health; I know because I have been there (without my health) and come out the other side.
At the age of 2, I was going to specialists because I was covered head to toe in “the itches” aka eczema. I was doing bio-feedback and on elimination diets in the 80’s before they were a thing. I was the unusual allergic sick kid that today has become sadly more normal.
I took a lot of medications throughout my childhood including inhalers, pills, and cortisol shots for my eczema and asthma. The meds stifled my symptoms but did not give me my health back. In fact, they only created more symptoms like bloating, weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and depression.
My doctors told me that there was no cure for me. I would need to take medication to manage my symptoms for the rest of my life.
As a teenager, I saw a very limited life ahead of me, I questioned if I would ever be able to travel or have kids. I was desperate to feel good.
I refused to accept that this was my life and I started to question this prognosis and these medications. I remember walking out of the office in 1997 and feeling 100% determined to find a way to live a vibrant life. But I had no idea how I would do this.
I was fortunate to have a vegan activist friend who dared me to be vegan for 2 weeks; day 10 I woke feeling remarkably more alive. I had not eaten processed foods because in 1998 in my hometown of Coarsegold, CA there were no vegan packaged foods. I had eaten all whole foods and “felt the difference.”
In 2000, I was accepted to Cal Poly University under a nutrition major. My first nutrition class preached the food guide pyramid which I knew by age 18 was built for profiting food companies and not for promoting health. I transferred to graphic design and went my own way with my health- using art to express my health journey.
After graduating top of my class in graphic design, I chose not to pursue my career in a cubicle. I headed straight for yoga teacher training and then lived and worked in retreat centers, Esalen Institute and BodyMind Restoration Retreats, which I consider my “real education.”
For the next decade, I continued experimenting on my own health using detoxes, cleanses, personal development, self-help, meditation, yoga, energy healing, dance, therapy, and psychotherapy.

What is Useful to Know about Me:
I know you can have the state of health and create the vibrancy, energy, and life you desire. I know because I have been there (without my health) and come out the other side.
At the age of 2, I was going to specialists because I was covered head to toe in “the itches” aka eczema. I was doing bio-feedback and on elimination diets in the 80’s before they were a thing. I was the unusual allergic sick kid that today has become sadly more normal.
I took a lot of medications throughout my childhood including inhalers, pills, and cortisol shots for my eczema and asthma. The meds stifled my symptoms but did not give me my health back. In fact, they only created more symptoms like bloating, weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and depression.
My doctors told me that there was no cure for me. I would need to take medication to manage my symptoms for the rest of my life.
As a teenager, I saw a very limited life ahead of me, I questioned if I would ever be able to travel or have kids. I was desperate to feel good.
I refused to accept that this was my life and I started to question this prognosis and these medications. I remember walking out of the office in 1997 and feeling 100% determined to find a way to live a vibrant life. But I had no idea how I would do this.
I was fortunate to have a vegan activist friend who dared me to be vegan for 2 weeks; day 10 I woke feeling remarkably more alive. I had not eaten processed foods because in 1998 in my hometown of Coarsegold, CA there were no vegan packaged foods. I had eaten all whole foods and “felt the difference.”
In 2000, I was accepted to Cal Poly University under a nutrition major. My first nutrition class preached the food guide pyramid which I knew by age 18 was built for profiting food companies and not for promoting health. I transferred to graphic design and went my own way with my health- using art to express my health journey.
After graduating top of my class in graphic design, I chose not to pursue my career in a cubicle. I headed straight for yoga teacher training and then lived and worked in retreat centers, Esalen Institute and BodyMind Restoration Retreats, which I consider my “real education.”
For the next decade, I continued experimenting on my own health using detoxes, cleanses, personal development, self-help, meditation, yoga, energy healing, dance, therapy, and psychotherapy.

What is Useful for You to Know About Me
I may look pretty darn healthy. But it didn’t come natural to me. I had to learn how support my body for it to re-gain a state of health.
You can radically change your state of health; I know because I have been there (without my health) and come out the other side.
At the age of 2, I was going to specialists because I was covered head to toe in “the itches” aka eczema. I was doing bio-feedback and on elimination diets in the 80’s before they were a thing. I was the unusual allergic sick kid that today has become sadly more normal.
I took a lot of medications throughout my childhood including inhalers, pills, and cortisol shots for my eczema and asthma. The meds stifled my symptoms but did not give me my health back. In fact, they only created more symptoms like bloating, weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and depression.
My doctors told me that there was no cure for me. I would need to take medication to manage my symptoms for the rest of my life.
As a teenager, I saw a very limited life ahead of me, I questioned if I would ever be able to travel or have kids. I was desperate to feel good.
I refused to accept that this was my life and I started to question this prognosis and these medications. I remember walking out of the office in 1997 and feeling 100% determined to find a way to live a vibrant life. But I had no idea how I would do this.
I was fortunate to have a vegan activist friend who dared me to be vegan for 2 weeks; day 10 I woke feeling remarkably more alive. I had not eaten processed foods because in 1998 in my hometown of Coarsegold, CA there were no vegan packaged foods. I had eaten all whole foods and “felt the difference.”
In 2000, I was accepted to Cal Poly University under a nutrition major. My first nutrition class preached the food guide pyramid which I knew by age 18 was built for profiting food companies and not for promoting health. I transferred to graphic design and went my own way with my health- using art to express my health journey.
After graduating top of my class in graphic design, I chose not to pursue my career in a cubicle. I headed straight for yoga teacher training and then lived and worked in retreat centers, Esalen Institute and BodyMind Restoration Retreats, which I consider my “real education.”
For the next decade, I continued experimenting on my own health using detoxes, cleanses, personal development, self-help, meditation, yoga, energy healing, dance, therapy, and psychotherapy.

My Real Education
Gestalt Therapy at the Esalen Institute
I lived and worked at the Esalen Institute, home of Gestalt therapy and incubator of the Human Potential Movement, for five years. I participated in over one hundred workshops; all of which helped me understand what I call “inner reality,” our human emotions, experience, stories, and human potential. My biggest and hardest lesson at Esalen was unlearning how to suppress my emotions and instead allow my self to feel and process them. This was the first wave of relief to my depression: learning to lean into and feel my uncomfortable emotions instead of stuff them down.
Raw Food and Mindfulness at BodyMind Restoration Retreats
Following my time at the Esalen Institute, I lived and worked at BodyMind Restoration Retreats in Ithaca, NY. During the summer of these 5 years at Esalen, I lived, worked, and studied at a raw food zen retreat center called BodyMind Restoration Retreats in Ithaca, NY. In addition to understanding the importance of detoxing and reducing toxins combined with focusing on nourishing foods, I learned about my mind. I learned how to watch the thoughts my brain creates, I learned about awareness. I learned how to use breath to focus my mind. And I learned the beginnings of how to use my mind, instead of it using me.
Ayurveda and Eastern Medicine at the Dhyana Center
For two years I studied and practiced Ayurveda at the Dhyana Center in Sebastopol. During my studies, I became attuned to the deep wisdom of Eastern medicine. My education in Ayurveda introduced me to a new paradigm of understanding each of our health as a unique inner relationship that we can re-balance and maintain.
Age related diseases are actually imbalances that we do not have to suffer. In my own life, I also use Chinese medicine to help support and balance my body systems.
Holistic Health and the Wellness Paradigm
Eastern medicine is the greatest example of what the west is growing to understand as holistic health or the wellness paradigm. A person is a physical, mental, and emotional being. Understanding the interplay between body, mind, heart and soul as the equal factors that contribute to health and wellness (or lack of). Your health is totally doable; especially if you have a guide like me.
My Real Education
Gestalt Therapy at the Esalen Institute
I lived and worked at the Esalen Institute, home of Gestalt therapy and incubator of the Human Potential Movement, for five years. I participated in over one hundred workshops; all of which helped me understand what I call “inner reality,” our human emotions, experience, stories, and human potential. My biggest and hardest lesson at Esalen was unlearning how to suppress my emotions and instead allow my self to feel and process them. This was the first wave of relief to my depression: learning to lean into and feel my uncomfortable emotions instead of stuff them down.
Raw Food and Mindfulness at BodyMind Restoration Retreats
Following my time at the Esalen Institute, I lived and worked at BodyMind Restoration Retreats in Ithaca, NY. During the summer of these 5 years at Esalen, I lived, worked, and studied at a raw food zen retreat center called BodyMind Restoration Retreats in Ithaca, NY. In addition to understanding the importance of detoxing and reducing toxins combined with focusing on nourishing foods, I learned about my mind. I learned how to watch the thoughts my brain creates, I learned about awareness. I learned how to use breath to focus my mind. And I learned the beginnings of how to use my mind, instead of it using me.
Ayurveda and Eastern Medicine at the Dhyana Center
For two years I studied and practiced Ayurveda at the Dhyana Center in Sebastopol. During my studies, I became attuned to the deep wisdom of Eastern medicine. My education in Ayurveda introduced me to a new paradigm of understanding each of our health as a unique inner relationship that we can re-balance and maintain.
Age related diseases are actually imbalances that we do not have to suffer. In my own life, I also use Chinese medicine to help support and balance my body systems.
Holistic Health and the Wellness Paradigm
Eastern medicine is the greatest example of what the west is growing to understand as holistic health or the wellness paradigm. A person is a physical, mental, and emotional being. Understanding the interplay between body, mind, heart and soul as the equal factors that contribute to health and wellness (or lack of). Your health is totally doable; especially if you have a guide like me.

“Ditch diet culture and focus inward. The journey to food freedom comes from within.” Jennifer

“Ditch diet culture and focus inward. The journey to food freedom comes from within.”
Fast Forward
I learned how to nourish my body with foods to heal my symptoms. Food is Medicine. I surpassed my own goal of living life vibrantly by removing the limits of my lack of health. I have become a health example and resource to everyone around me. I recently had a blood test; the nurse told me that I have the healthy blood of a teenager. I live symptom-free, without any medications, by practicing exactly what I teach in my Food and Mood Program.
I’ve traveled the world, started two successful businesses and worked in many different industries. I’ve transmuted much of my family’s generational pain (still a work in progress) and explored the insights and transformation of multiple different plant medicines. Married the man of my dreams and birthed my daughter at age 37 who is the healthiest most amazing product of the work I do. I live free of depression and anxiety. I’m a published writer and most importantly I am excited to wake up every day and to live my life. I have no intestinal pain, I have a nourishing relationship with food, my vibes are high and my mind is clear.
My clients are experiencing the same “life changing” transformations by applying the full spectrum diet, stress, and lifestyle lessons I teach and coach in my Food and Mood Program.

"Learn to use your mind,
don't let it use you."
- David, Zen Master
I have the challenging and uncomfortable role of "rainbow" or "black sheep" of my family, seen as troubled and full of hard emotions, and "its ok."
I no longer struggle with eating disorders, like I did in high school and in my 20s; when I catch a glance of myself in the mirror I smile and feel my chest fill with love for me.
I grew up trying to be a good girl to be accepted and loved. I know now that my worthiness and lovability is innate.
I struggled with a scarcity mindset, binging on food, living from lack- I now intentionally talk back to my brain, "I am enough", "I have everything I need."
I unconsciously ate all the emotions that I did not know how to feel and now I use the same tools I teach to process feelings without using comfort foods to cope nor habits that help us stuff them away.
I was 50 pounds overweight more than once. I was addicted to sugar. I couldn't think straight if there was frosting nearby. Now I gently decline processed sugars with grace, presence and love.

Through my personal journey, I learned that there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to health.
You can learn how to listen to your body (once you are no longer hooked on addictive foods) then you can listen to your body’s true food cravings.
Upon soul searching the question, "How do I want to contribute to the world?" I heard my calling to help people raise their consciousness by distilling, sharing and teaching my Food and Mood Process that includes increasing human potential for Body, Mind and Soul.
I studied under and was certified by my mentor Master Coach Brooke Castillo, an educated psychologist, self-help guru. Studying with Brooke was the puzzle piece that brought my life’s experience together. I now felt equipped to help others make changes in their lives.
I used to think that life coaching was cheesy and lame… until I understood that a life coach helps people EXPAND into their own human potential. Now I think it is the best ‘job’ in the world.
I know, in every bone of my body, that helping you with your health and well-being is my calling. I am profoundly grateful to share this revolutionary way of how to raise your human potential and consciousness using my food and mood process and program.
What Clients Are Saying...

And when I get overwhelmed, I use the time management tools you taught me. From overwhelmed to focused. Thank you!

I, now, show up for myself, my kids, my partner, my grandkids, and my business the way that I want to: grounded, present, calm, patient, and trusting.

What Clients Are Saying...

I am making more money in less time with more presence

I, now, show up for myself, my kids, my partner, my grandkids, and my business the way that I want to: grounded, present, calm, patient, and trusting.