Food, Mood, and Soul
Blog by Coach Chandra Zas

Doctor Approved
“Chandra’s program works, it’s the best I have seen. Her program addresses the root cause of disease: diet, stress, lifestyle.” Doctor approved

Food and Mood Tips For Navigating a Mentally and Physically HEALTHY Thanksgiving
The Food and Mood Tips for Navigating a Mentally and Physically Healthy Thanksgiving. Mindset makes a massive difference….

Health Insurance, CrowdHealth, Sick Care Vs Health Care
We are not getting health insurance… we are trying something new.

My New Relationship With Sleep
My new relationship with sleep is one of the greatest achievements of my last year.

Settling Down, Routine, And Sleep | Let’s Talk Healthy
After years of living from suitcases we are settling down; what I am most stoked about is creating a routine, self-care, and sound sleep.

Behind The Scenes: Deep Thinking IS My Most Valuable Work Hours
I was laying in the grass, staring at the sky, and wanting to share with you how Deep Thinking is My Most Valuable Work Hours.

Behind The Scenes: Moving Day, Minimalism, And Decision Muscle
I used to have a big house with a lot of stuff eight years ago…

Lie #3 The Escape Button Works
Our human brains are wired to avoid pain, including emotional pain, and hence by default believe that the escape buttons work.

Lie #2 Does convenient food REALLy save us time?
I’ll save time if I buy easy convenient foods,” is a lie that our brains believe which leads us to buy easy-to-grab food.

Lie #1 Stress Leads to Success
Our brains believe all kinds of ideas, some are useful and some like “stress leads to success” is a thought worth questioning.

Is Bread Healthy for Ducks?
After a recent holiday party with leftover already toasted bread, my aunt asked me, “Is bread healthy for ducks?”

Is Gut Health A Luxury?
We have each got this one life, this one body, this one brain, this one gut that supports it all. Is Gut Health a Luxury? I think not.