Why Not to Hire a Coach

I think that every single human would benefit from having a coach; a coach being someone who spends time with them and their brain- growing and becoming what they most want. That said, I want to explore why not to hire a coach.
If a person is satisfied with their life and wants to continue doing the exact same thing, then no need for a coach.
If a person feels totally aligned with their dreams and goals, and actively working towards them then no need for a coach.
If a person can gracefully navigate life’s stressors with ease and lack of stress, then no need for a coach.
If a person is spending their time and money intentionally and deliberately, then no need for a coach.
If a person is reacting to hard moments in life with a grounded stable energy, then no need for a coach.
If a person is eating foods that nourish their body, then no need for a coach.
Basically, if there is nothing that a person wants to change, improve, or upgrade in their life, then no need for a coach.
Having a coach in a person’s life, is openly and vulnerably saying, “I want and am actively seeking change in my life.”
These are my fellow people.
The changers, the growers, like me.
Now… please do not confuse these reasons for when not to hire a coach.
“I am too busy”.
“I don’t have the time”.
“I don’t have the money”.
Because these are the very reasons TO hire a coach.
Having a coach is like having a back seat driver that helps you see the potential obstacles and plan for them.
Having a coach is like looking at the horizon.
Basically, if you want your life to stay the same or you are on track for what you want in your life… then that is why not to hire a coach.