Psychedelics Help Relieve Unnecessary Suffering

wired to survive
little people brains adapt to childhood environments
please the big people
adapt to how they function
ensure survival.
intergenerational pains
passed down unintentionally
then the little human is a grown human
still using the child’s adaptations
people pleasing
comfort eating
seeking escapes from emotional pain
coping with stress in health-sabatoging ways
emotionally limited
fight.flight. or withdraw.
the adaptations that helped the little person survive
is not helping the big human thrive.
Hold On Pain Ends
the human brain can change
neural plasticity is a thing
trust, connection, healing, and repair
choice to change
step one: connect to your want to change
step two: invest time energy and attention
step three: practice showing up differently
step four: use plant medicine to exponentiate the change and drop the intellectual learning into your cellular KNOWING.
With Love,
Related Post:
Exponential Change with Coaching + Medicine Journeys
Exponential Change with Coaching + Medicine Journeys
Ps. I built my 6 month coaching program knowing that I would find a way to support and include plant medicine as part of my client’s journey.
My program serves as an integration and support to the changes you want to make.
Food and Mood Coaching Program <<< Sign up
“Chandra you have changed my life. Six months ago I was not wanting to be in my body, and now my 2024 goal is to go all in on investing in embodiment. My relationship to food and my body is forever changed. Thank you for holding space for me to go into the dark places I needed to go to heal.”