Our Spring Liver Detox Plan- Dr. Sharman and Coach Chandra

I am feeling like doing a spring liver detox this year. So I called my dear friend Dr. Sharman and she wanted to join.
Dr. Sharman is giving up alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods. She plans to eat more nutrient-dense foods and sauna while also taking a liver detox supplement called “liver sauce” combined with a binder. My diet is pretty clean, caffeine is my big deal. I have cut my intake in half so far and am considering drinking mud, an alternative caffeine drink, for the month of April. I will also use the “liver sauce” and binder. She and I are both already on adrenal support supplements.
Our plan is to reduce and eliminate caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods until April 10th ish… and then start using the “liver sauce” for 20 days then eat and drink clean for a week after the 20 days…
I am pretty jazzed to be doing this Spring cleanse detox thing with Dr. Sharman. Are you feeling like doing a cleanse this spring? It could be as simple as makings some food changes, when we decrease our toxin intake then our body naturally is able to do its detox job.
Ps: happy spring
Pps… my dear love has moved on from editing my videos SO I am looking for a new video editor. In the meantime, I am publishing live videos on YouTube and Instagram. To get my videos head over to both @ZenOdyssey to subscribe/follow, like, and watch.