Cashew Latte Coffee OR Mate

I wake up excited for my caffeine every morning. And in all my years looking for the tastiest and healthiest options to make my caffeine creamy: my top 2 are Strauss heavy cream and this cashew recipe.
From all the alternative beverage milk options out there, I think cashew lattes taste the best and are the most gut friendly. You can make it a cashew coffee OR mate latte. No plastic containers that our alt-milks sit in.
All you need is your caffeinated beverage of choice (you can even make this with herbal tea), raw cashews (if you have a strong blender) or raw cashew butter (if you have a simple blender), and a touch of honey.
The ‘raw’ part of the cashews is important as well as the quality of raw cashews- buy organic good looking cashews and keep them in the fridge or freezer to stay fresh.
If they are roasted this drink will not tase good and will have funky tasting oxidized oils in it.
The ratio of tea or coffee to cashew is very important and also individual. Try it and tweak it a few times til you get it just right. I like heavy on the caffeine, some don’t, I always ask my friends how heavy they want the caffeine. Too many cashews drowns the flavor. The sweetness adds the high note.
1 cup of Tea/Coffee/Mate of your choice
Brew it or prepare it like you normally do. (Maybe a bit stronger) -
1 tablespoon of raw cashews if you have a Vitamix or equivalent blender
- 1 teaspoon of organic soy lecithin (a fat emulsifier)
OR 1 small tablespoon of Raw Cashew Butter
Honey or a date (can keep out honey and add after)
Blender: Vitamix for raw cashews or NutriBullet or equivalent blender for cashew butter
Put the prepared hot liquid in the blender with your medium of cashews + sweetener + emulisfier.
Blend for 30 seconds to 1 minute on medium to high.
Pour in a cup and enjoy with someone you Love (yourself counts too).