Behind The Scenes: Moving Day, Minimalism, And Decision Muscle

I used to have a big house with a lot of stuff eight years ago; we have been traveling and living in over thirty homes all over the world. For the last couple of years, we lived in a thirty-one-foot Airstream.
Today, I want to share with you our home that we are moving out of and a couple of the valuable lessons I have learned living in our small house on wheels.
It’s moving day and as I reflect on our time living in this small space successfully meant regularly engaging my decision muscle for what really mattered. Enjoy!
Ps: how is your decision muscle? Do you put decisions off or avoid them? Do you go back on your decisions? Having a useful relationship to decision makes every area of our life easier, simpler, and more solid.
(And, yes, you guessed it… decision making is one of the things I help my clients with). If you are on the fence and having a hard time deciding if you want to work with me, sign up for a free coaching session and we can coach specifically on that. Free Coaching Session for Decision Making. <<< LINK