Food Induced Brain Fog

I sat down to work yesterday and realized the state of my brain fog; it was debilitating. I personally have an issue with gluten, which is the common source of my food-induced brain fog. We went to a party the day before and apparently I consumed something with gluten.
Big bummer.
I had to scratch a day of work.
I spent the remainder of the day thinking about brain fog, thinking of the gut-brain connection and thinking about my health.
As best I could, with foggy thoughts.
Yesterday was one of my worst brain fog days ever; so sitting with the brain fog and accepting it was the bulk of my effort.
Brain fog or mental fatigue can be from a number of sources such as lack of sleep, nutrient deficiencies, glutenous grains, sugar, alcohol, MSG, dehydration, bacterial overgrowth from overconsumption of sugar, depression, or even a thyroid condition.
If you have experienced brain fog then you know how devastating it is, especially when you are trying to do anything but chill on the couch.
Problem-solving, deciding, creating, working or even a deeper conversation are all off the table when gluten is in my system.
If I am vulnerably honest with you… my food-induced brain fog for me feels like someone is sitting on my head. I can’t see, I can’t think. I feel this pressure on my head that feels like it is suffocating my brain.
And yesterday, it got me a little scared.
I had to catch myself from going down a rabbit hole and stop myself from thinking the fog was going to last forever, or that it meant that something was horribly wrong with me.
It was a day I hope to not repeat.
Twenty-four hours later and two coffee enemas my head is cleared and I can think straight again.
Which brings me to the point that I personally will do, and have done, pretty much anything to optimize my health.
In fact, I have built my life around prioritizing my health.
When I zoom out and look at my life; the most important thing in it is my health.
The way that I see it: the state of my health determines how I am able to live my life.
Maybe you have another digestive issue that keeps you up at night or stops you from fully functioning in the day.
How do you respond?
Are you proactive in figuring out what is going on?
What are you willing to change in your life to get your health at optimal levels?
One of my go-tos (for food-induced brain fog or bloating) is coffee enemas.