The Importance Of Fermented Foods

We all have friendly bacteria, I call them ‘the good guys’. Science is discovering the important impact of these friendly bacteria. So how do we make sure we have good friendly bacteria? We feed them! This week is all about The Importance of Fermented Foods, aka how to feed the good guys.
Everybody has bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and other little non-human creatures living in us which influence the state of our health. The collection of these non-human creatures is called the microbiome and affects emotional, physical, and mental health.
Eating Fermented Foods Is A Way To Strengthen Our Microbiome.
Last week I talked about coffee enemas. At the end of that episode, I started talking about the importance of fermented foods and probiotics after a coffee enema.
I love coffee enemas and I think that everyone should try at least one. And when you try a coffee enema you need to remember to buff up on your friendly bacteria via fermented foods and or probiotics.
Fermented Foods
What we put in our mouth, which goes into our digestive system and into our gut, matters.
Putting friendly bacteria into your gut every day is one of the most impactful actions you can take toward taking care of your gut.
This one tiny little change is simply eating one bite of kraut, drinking some kraut juice, or taking a probiotic.
Ideally, it would be at every meal, but even once a day is a big game changer to your gut health. When you bring fermented foods into your daily habits, you are feeding and supporting the good friendly bacteria that your gut needs for healthy gut function.
Kraut: A Fermented Food
I used to make kraut for many many years, I had a ceramic German pot that had an airtight sealing system so that no funky bacteria joined the friendly bacteria party.
Making kraut is simple, you can find easy how-tos on the internet.
The important part is that you are using organic veggies because veggies with pesticides actually kill our friendly bacteria.
Also, make sure to use non-iodized salt.
Make sure your kraut system is not growing any bad bacteria from the environment.
The fermentation process of time plus ingredients is how the friendly bacteria are grown and then inhabit the kraut which then goes into your gut when you eat the kraut.
For the last several years, I have been buying kraut. If you buy kraut you want to make sure there is no vinegar listed on the ingredients. Vinegar makes kraut taste fermented but is not. So it lacks the friendly bacteria which is the point of eating it for our gut’s sake.
Fermented drinks like kvass, kombucha, and Jun are also great for delivering friendly bacteria into our bellies. Be mindful of these drinks with added juices because then you are feeding the bad bacteria which feed on sugars.
Pickles (if truly fermented and without sugar) are also a source of friendly bacteria.
Probiotics and prebiotics are also an option for getting good bacteria into your belly. I recommend them for specific times like when doing a gut make-over, a healing moment, or post antibiotics.
Living on probiotics is not a good idea. But intaking fermented foods daily is an incredible way to ensure gut health for every single human body.
Even people diagnosed with SIBO, are often told to avoid fermented foods entirely. I disagree, a tiny bite a day can greatly help rebalance their gut flora.
Fermented foods, coffee enemas, and springtime.
It is my favorite time of the year.
Please enjoy and explore my spring topics.