Health Insurance, CrowdHealth, Sick Care Vs Health Care

We are not getting health insurance… we are trying something new. A topic that is deep in my heart today and one of the current struggles that we have been working to figure out: Health Insurance, CrowdHealth, and Sick Care vs Health Care.
For the last eight years, it was more likely that I would not live in the USA than I would live here. My partner and I were looking globally for a country to make and call home.
Well, life always has its twists and turns, and our choice to live in the USA is one of ours.
The biggest reason that I was relieved to not live in the USA, by far, was the health insurance.
What have I been battling to figure out since we are now living in the USA… yup health insurance.
What I have come to understand about our healthcare system is that it is a for-profit business model that is not centered on customer service and especially not on health.
Sick people needing medications and procedures are far more profitable than healthy people. The incentives are not there… follow the money.
On top of that, our government is not responsible for our sickness… therefore are not incentivized to make policies or regulations on the people’s health.
Seventy percent of Americans are on medications. I have been medication free for over twenty years. I invest preventative money in my health with the food I eat and the lifestyle choices I make.
I also happen to have a coaching program that addresses the root cause of all diseases: diet, stress, and lifestyle. What happens in my coaching program is learning how to support the human body so that it will heal itself and how to prevent disease by living healthily.
So over these last six months, as I have looked at health plans, what they offer, and what they do not cover, I have been sad about my choices. Pay a high monthly premium, have an annual joke of a preventative exam, have a deductible for emergencies- which is mostly what we need it for, and not have the preventative care I believe in to be covered. The nagging icky feeling in my core would not go away. I kept walking away shaking my head thinking, “there has got to be a better way.” Mind you, I did live in Israel and experienced what it was like to have unlimited access to a doctor and be able to order labs to work preventatively with my body.
Fearful of the unexpected emergency bankrupting my family, (a tragic norm here in the USA), I hunted for alternative solutions.
The entire reason for this post is to share with you the alternative I found and am on the verge of signing up for, it’s called CrowdHealth. The idea is to offer a decentralized alternative to health insurance.
Their business model is simple and it seems to be built for healthy people. It is focused on prevention and wellness… just my cup of tea.
There is a question in my mind… “is it too good to be true?”
I listened to Tony Robin’s new book, “Life Force” earlier this year. He talked about sick care vs health care. His FountainLife health company starts at $20k per year and it is full of truly preventative labs and testing.
If you know me at all by now, you know health is my jam. Not having my health as a kid and having first-hand experience with how limited life is without our health has likely been what gave me my life’s mission: help humans embody the health they want.
Ps: I’d love to know what you think about this topic. What health insurance do you have? Do you like it? Do you know about CrowdHealth? What do you think about it?
Promo code for CrowdHealth is 8IQOU8 go to Link to Join CrowdHealth You will get the first 3 months at 99$ per month with my promo code 🙂