What Do You Know About Seed Oils?

What are your food beliefs?
What do you know about seed oils?
Belief: a well worn thought
believed by the mind to be true
Marketers label products as “healthy”
Do you believe the label?
Food: nutrients that nourish body and brain
Man-Made Calories: hard for our bodies to process
Fats and Oils: essential to our body and brain cells
Seed Oils: highly processed that our body CAN’T use
Seed Oils Impact
Longevity, Alzheimer’s, Energy, and Heart Disease
Directly Affected (not for the better)
Switching out the seed oils in foods is a lifestyle shift
and essential to health
Cut Out Seed Oils?
Upside: increased health
Downside: big businesses loose on profit
What are Seed Oils?
Canola Oil, Margarine, Safflower and Sunflower Oil, Soybean Oil, Vegetable Oil
Watch this video on Seed Oils to shift your food belief on products labeled healthy
The $100 Billion Dollar Ingredient making your Food Toxic
Related Post Food Matters
With Love,
Feel Daunting?
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+ get guidance on the how
+ focus first on foods to bring in using my simple yummy recipes and food feedback
+ decrease overwhelm, resistance, and confusion so the changes are easier
+ get guidance on the how
+ focus first on foods to bring in using my simple yummy recipes and food feedback
+ decrease overwhelm, resistance, and confusion so the changes are easier
PPS… Seed oils stay in our body for 5 years….
PPPS… My family and I mostly eat at home (without seed oils) and when we go out to eat we notice when a meal has seed oils- it feels yucky which adds motivation for us skipping eating meals with seed oils.
App that tells you what restaurants and meals are Seed Oil Free SEED OIL SCOUT