Britta’s Journey From Kitchen Shame to Kitchen Confidence Poem

From Kitchen Shame to Kitchen Confidence: A Poem
In the shadow of divorce, Britta stood torn,
Food issues weighed heavy, her heart worn.
A trainer by her side, yet still she fought,
For building blocks of health she desperately sought.
Her mind hooked on foods with dopamine’s high,
Cravings loud, overwhelming, amplified.
Rules and restrictions tightly she clung,
Yet the songs of her body remained unsung.
Chandra stepped in with a refreshing light,
No strict rules, no endless fight.
“Body knowing,” she softly said,
“Listen within, let your true cravings be fed.”
Britta watched, learned to cook with grace,
In Burning Man she nourished a new internal space.
From kitchen shame to confidence’s might,
Meals now brought energy, pure and bright.
Emotional roots, deep and profound,
Uncovered gently, no longer bound.
Through Chandra’s guidance, Britta began to heal,
Her relationship with food now vibrant, real.
Recipes became treasures, hers to hold,
Nourishing dishes, stories untold.
No more tiredness post each meal,
Just energy, clarity, a body that feels.
In her kitchen now, she stands tall,
No longer afraid to answer the call.
A journey of self-love, transformation complete,
From restriction’s bind, she found her feet.
Present and grounded, she lives each day,
With tools from Chandra, in every way.
If you’re struggling too, hear Britta’s voice clear,
Transform your food relationship, let go of fear.
With Chandra’s help, rewire your brain,
Crave nourishing foods, break free from pain.
Book a call, take the first step today,
Let your journey to nourishment light the way.